


A big hairy ape, with wings...

big hairy arms

After years of football and rollerblading ended due to a knee injury caused a fit of boredom, Isaac finally learned how to play the bass guitar that had been sitting idly in his room for close to two years. He instantly fell in love with his new four-sringed friend. After only one month of lessons at the Metro Moncton School of Music, he joined the girls in their performance at MHS's coffee house in February 2003. Although he had no intentions of a lasting relationship with the group, he fell in love with each of them during their first practice in Mellisa Wells' basement and decided to stick around for good.
Isaac spent the finer years of his youth with The Beastie Boys, Beck, Radiohead, and Primus and takes most of his influence from Flea of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Colin Greenwood of Radiohead. He has also been known to steal from Les Claypool on occasion.
Despite frequently getting grounded, a budding career in painting, a position on Student Council, and a vigorous social life Isaac has still been able to dedicate a majority of time to the band. Over the past year his playing has evolved from simple to complex, from a smattering of the influence of others to his own distinctive style, from just plain crap to crap with the right notes thrown in. He also reluctantly became singer and songwriter of the band after a while. There's one thing that can be said for sure about Isaac though, he sure knows how to make the ladies swoon.

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